Acoustic well treatment technology
Acoustic Well Treatment Technology (AWT) is a complex of high-tech unique know-how, equipment and software that allows stimulation of oil inflow by high-frequency acoustic stimulation of oil (gas condensate) wells.
100% environmental friendliness, high efficiency and relatively low processing costs make the acoustic method necessary and promising for global oil production
The Essence Of The Technology
The essence of the technological process is the use of a high-frequency ground-based sound generator transmitted via a special logging cable to a downhole acoustic transmitter lowered into the productive interval of the formation to excite an acoustic field in the frequency range from 1 to tens of kHz.
The technology allows to control hydro-and thermodynamic processes that take place in deep-lying productive horizons and provides increased productivity of oil and gas fields.
The purpose of the acoustic impact is to increase the permeability of the wellbore formation zone by cleaning the perforations and pores of the reservoir from mechanical impurities, gas hydrate and paraffin, which allows to increase the well productivity, increase the total volume of oil production, maintain the production rate and improve the quality of the produced oil.
Acoustic Treatment Technology refers to physical methods of influence and is an alternative to traditional methods of oil well treatments (chemical, mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical, physical, etc).
Application of the technology
Acoustic Well Treatment technology can be widely used in oil and gas industry, being an environmentally friendly alternative to current methods of well treatment. Main areas of application of acoustic well treatment technology are:
Ultrasonic treatment of oil and gas condensate wells to increase the permeability of the near-wellbore formation zone, clean perforations and reservoir pores from mechanical impurities in order to increase well productivity, increase the total volume of oil production and improve the quality of produced oil.
The method of Acoustic Well Treatment can be used for low productive wells to increase the oil recovery, old wells and wasted wells to clean the near-wellbore zone of the reservoir and relaunch the production in these areas
Environmentally Friendly
In today’s world, our aspiration to create and promote environmentally clean modern technologies is a top priority. The Acoustic Well Treatment differs from the existing methods of oil production intensification, which have been used since the 19th century and will significantly reduce the volumes of aggressive poisonous acids, which are used by oil service companies worldwide by millions of tons annually.
Acoustic Well Treatment is 100% environmentally friendly and green technology, using ultrasonic vibrations to clean the perforation holes and pores of the reservoir from mechanical impurities (rocks, salts, sands, etc).
By choosing Acoustic Well Treatment, we prioritize living in harmony with nature and ensuring a better future for generations to come. We’re not just thinking about today, but about the legacy we leave behind.

Patented in Europe
Our well treatment acoustic emitters have been granted two European patents by the prestigious European Patent Office (EPO). This recognition highlights the impressive technical expertise behind our innovation and validates the excellence and uniqueness of our technology